Care Corps Returns

A team of six Care Corps volunteers crossed the Erez Border last week and returned to the Lighthouse School for a week filled with fun and laughter and significant help and healing for the staff and students. Nearly two years since their last visit and following the war this past summer, their visit couldn’t have been more timely. Care Corps International is a compassion ministry that supports and assists the church in their efforts to share practical ministry tools and show God’s love, care, healing and hope to victims of trauma. The smiles in the pictures below show how effective they were this past week in helping our teachers and the students better understand and deal with the trauma they’ve experienced in Gaza. They shared God’s love by sharing their lives and their skills in an area where few are willing to come. From all the staff and students we thank you for coming and we thank all those who supported you and helped you return to the Lighthouse School in Gaza

Nick Serban IV